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Patience will Protect You

Have you ever been hungry. I mean really hungry. The kind where your stomach feels empty and your mouth salivates for the sweet savory of some good food? Have you evet had one of these moments where you’ve been waiting on food to arrive and when it does, in your haste to taste what smells good you lose sensibility and put hot food in your mouth. Forgetting that the heat of the food bruised your gums so that you have to surrender what was supposed to curve your raging appetite.

I know I have been there several times. Having to wait for days for my mouth to heal because I was not patience for a few minutes. Its moments like these that life reminds us that Patience will protect you

Now I’m a southern boy so this analogy works for me but for you it may be something else. What is the thing that you yearn for that ...

This is what happen when we go after things before there time. Often it’s not the thing that put us in harm way but our relentlessness to have things by any means necessary.

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