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Person of Impact

​If you’ve noticed, we live in a world where things move pretty face. In the time it takes me to write my next line. A baby will be born, a couple will have said “I DO” and countless of selfies will have made their way to Facebook. Things change quickly now a day. Relevancy is determined by trending status and most things that matter, tend to not be that import after all. Yes our high-tech world has transformed hours into minutes and has foster a culture that train young minds to consume each second of their day trying to make an imprint rather than become a person of impact. But I think being a person of impact is important to you, unless you wouldn’t be reading this. Right now, at your age- as a teenage or the parent of one- you are asking the question we will all ask at some point in our lives: how do I make an impact on the world?

Take it from me, the question can be overwhelming. After all what is the measure of impact? Is it narrow or wide, is it immediate or can it be something that develops over time? While it may seem broad and philosophical, I believe there are four practical things that can help us narrow down our answer and become a person of impact. Number one and by far the most important is having an. Having a sense of self and your place in the world is critical because it’s hard to leave an imprint when your feet are never planted on the ground.

Next you must find out whatis so grand that it is worth committing your time and dedicating your mind to seeing accomplished.As strange as it may sound, every person was born with a problem to solve. Yes, that includes you. We are not meant to live aimlessly and die carelessly without advancing humanity. There is a reason for live and a responsible to it. Find the problem and dare to be the solution and half the battle is won.

Complete victory comes when you dedicate yourself to cultivating your craft because impact requires. Hone your talents so that you can bring about sustainable change and be a trusted expert. Find people who are smarter than you and be willing to learn the ways of an effective leader.

Over time I have learned the importance of surround yourself with people who share common goals with you but may not think like you.This gives us the ability to have direct impact on our circle of.Be it family, friends, co-workers or teammates. We all have people we can directly touch daily. Dare to make a difference in the lives of those we love and then love on those we don’t know.We all cross path for a reason, slow down to find out why because sometime all it takes is a simple hello to have a major impact on someone’s day.

No matter how old you are, take the time to discover the idea that connects with your identity. Cultivate it with much intellect until you become such an expert on it that your circle of influence is improved and you too are made better in the process. Be a person of impact.

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