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Find What Fits

Have you ever tried to force a key into a key whole but the key would not fit. You might have known the key was not made for the whole and wouldn’t give you access to what was behind the door. But your eagerness to get inside and possess what was behind the door cause you to force what didn’t fit? Intuitively that sound quite foolish, doesn’t it. But what if I told you that it’s possible that you too are trying to force what doesn’t fit in your life by insisting on making a door open that is not meant for you or is not ready for you.

Perhaps your door is a group of people or a relationship with a particular person. Maybe it a position on a job that you are clamoring for. Perhaps your door is timing. You are eager but not patient and while it’s possible that what’s behind the door is a good things, the danger of a premature possession is often worse than never holding it all. I wonder what are your trying to force in your life and why? Could it be possible that you are stifling your progression because of your persistency to be where you are not welcomed?

Too often we miss what life has for us because we are trying to dictate what life gives to us. Rejection is often redirection and can serve as a keen arrow that points us in the way that we should go and to the doors of opportunity with keyholes perfectly frames for the keys in our possession.

It is unwise to stand stubbornly in a place or stay connected to situations that do not fit you. It is imprudent to try to force what doesn’t fit in life. Why not journey on and see what’s next. Could it be that your greatest rejecter is you? Unwilling to explore the unknown, you settle for ordinary because whats common cuddles your fear of being uncomfortable. Consider the diamond, the pearl, and oil whose value is within its uniqueness and the method it takes to find these hidden treasures. So to, finding what fits in your life is a search but the good news is that it will not be a struggle to locate because what belongs to you is always ready for you—and is actively pursuing you too. You have never seen the water ask the ocean for access nor the sun or moon petition the sky for position. These things yield to one another and are better together than they are apart.

Trust me when I tell you that every door that belongs to you will give your access. Sometimes access is not immediately but it’s granted inevitably.So consider what you are asking from life and if the door doesn’t come with a welcome mate, then surrender the key and walk away. Be willing to search for the key that has your name of it and find the door that matched.

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