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The Power of Thought

I love this topic so much and am so eager to share with you so I will get straight to it. Take a second to stop what you are doing and focus on these next words….. YOU are the sum total of what you think!!! No, this is not a math lesson, but there is an equation to life that is by and large a secret to most people. Today we remove the variable of the unknown and you will be able to know in a few minutes what it has taken most people a lifetime to learn.

  1. You are what you think. So, what are you thinking about? At an age when everything on the internet and i-tunes is vying for your attention, what have you given your attention to? What are the things that are on your mind during the day? It’s important if you want to manage your day that you manage your thoughts because…

  2. You cannot achieve beyond the level of your thinking. It’s true, you cannot love, you cannot live, you cannot act or reactive, be or become no greater than the level of your thinking. The power of thought is so important that your happiness, your health and the success of the things you put your hands to do are all predicated on the thoughts that roam the hallways of my mind. So it’s important to think positive and never allow fear to find a vacancy in your thought patterns. For fear and doubt are stubborn tenant to evict once they find residence in your thinking. Dare to think grand. In fact…..

  3. If you can think of it--be it a dream, an idea, or a goal--in your heart, it is possible to have in your hands. Consider the great objects human have erected in the sky, dug in the ground or positioned over the sea. Every pyramid, skyscraper; every plane or designed craved out of a mountain started with someone envisioning it and daring to believe it was possible to create. Image that, these things that are now common to us once lived only in dreams. So remember…..

  4. How you think determines your destiny. Zig Ziglar, one of the true sages philosophers of our time once said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.” Each morning you wake start with a thought that is big enough to bring life to you and those around you. Refuse to let your mind lounge around the pool of mediocrity or rest in the shade of compliancy. Instead, be outstanding by challenging your thoughts to stand out from among the small thinkers. If you would dare to live without limits and breathe without boundaries over your creativity than you too can change the world from the imagination of your mind - which is the starting place of greatness!

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