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  • Sponsor the Wealth Builders
    Sponsor the Wealth Builders
    Fri, Jul 27
    959 E Rosedale St
    Jul 27, 2018, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    959 E Rosedale St, 959 E Rosedale St, Fort Worth, TX 76104, USA
    This is an event to place the right tools in the hands of young people across the DFW area to help ensure them financial and intrepersonal success.
  • Wealth Builders 4 Kids
    Wealth Builders 4 Kids
    Fri, Jul 27
    959 E Rosedale St
    Jul 27, 2018, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    959 E Rosedale St, 959 E Rosedale St, Fort Worth, TX 76104, USA
    This is an event to place the right tools in the hands of young people across the DFW area to help ensure them financial and intrepersonal success.

Rather you give of your Time, Talent, or Treasure,  Planned Purpose Inc., salutes you for your effort. 

As you fill out the form, rest assured that the donation you give today will help to shape the life of tomorrow's leaders...


On behalf of all of us,


Thank you!

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